MS-PhD. Student
Kist School, Korea University of Science and Technology
Division of Nano & Information Technology
HCI & Robotics
Center for Robotics Research
Email :
Office : International Cooperation Building L8421
Research Interests
- Social Human-Robot Interaction
- Computer Vision
- Multi-modal Information Fusion
- B.S. in Information Communication and Electoronic Engineering at Catholic University of Korea (2016)
- Gyeore Lee, bokyoung Lee, Yoonseob Lim and Jongsuk Choi, “ Kalman Filter Based Multiple Human Tracking Method in Multi-Camera Environment”, 17th International Conference on Control ,Automation and Systems
- Gyeore Lee, Yoonseob Lim and Jongsuk Choi, “Automatic Data Gathering System for Social Dialog”, HRI2018